martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Ansaloni y Trump: Sionistas y Judeófobos


A poco más de diez días sucedieron dos hechos, casi consecutivamente, que consideramos desde la Red Internacional Judía Antisionista (IJAN, por sus siglas en Inglés), de profunda relevancia y merecedores de análisis. Por un lado, la insurrección e intento de golpe de Estado en el capitolio de los Estados Unidos por individuos de tendencias políticas profundamente judeófobas, llevando consigo lemas como 6MWNE (acrónimo de "six million was not enough", “seis millones no fueron suficientes” en inglés, un lema neonazi de quienes se burlan del genocidio judío perpetrado por los nazis en Europa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial), y "Camp Auschwitz". Por el otro lado, el vergonzoso descargo del diputado Ansaloni, electo de la coalición Juntos por El Cambio en Argentina, en una reunión dónde declaraba: "Estamos más unidos que nunca, nadie nos romperá a nosotros. Porque por ahí son como los judíos, que no tienen patria y no saben dónde están o a quién representan". Para algunes el único hilo conductor podrá ser la judeofobia de dos sectores de derecha. Sin embargo, hay dos hilos conductores íntimamente relacionados con el primero y también entre sí, que son el apoyo ideológico acérrimo al sionismo y el silenciamiento del activismo palestino y de grupos solidarios con la causa palestina.

En primer lugar, debemos denunciar que estos mismos individuos, estos mismos grupos que marchan bajo consignas neonazis, o que niegan que les judíes pertenezcamos a los países a los que pertenecemos y que cuestionan nuestra lealtad sólo por ser judíes son quienes afirmaban que la única forma de apoyar a la comunidad judía era imponiendo la fraudulenta definición de antisemitismo de la Alianza para la Rememoración del Holocausto (IHRA, por sus siglas en Inglés)1. En  Argentina, son ellos quienes tildaron de antisemitas al Frente de Izquierda Unidad y a todes quienes criticaban la instrumentalización de la lucha contra la judeofobia para silenciar las críticas al Estado de Israel. En Estados Unidos, realizaron numerosas campañas de difamación contra la representante somalí-estadunidense Ilhan Omar y contra la representante palestina-estadunidense Rashida Tlaib, por ser críticas del lobby pro-israelí en EE.UU y denunciar duramente el accionar del Estado de Israel.

Debemos asimismo señalar que esto no es accidental: el sionismo basa en parte su razón de existir en la idea de que les judíes no pueden estar segures en ningún lugar excepto en su criatura de apartheid, el Estado de Israel, el cual es supuestamente el estado-nación exclusivo de les judíes. La derecha, histórica, esencial e ideológicamente racista y xenófoba, por supuesto que considera, sea en forma íntima o más explícitamente, como lo manifiestan Ansaloni y los sicofantes adoradores de Trump, a les judíes como extranjeres en sus países de origen. Es así como, en una aparentemente paradójica confluencia de intereses, tanto la derecha xenófoba como los grupos de lobby sionistas (con miembros tanto judíos como no judíos), han trabajado codo a codo, a lo largo de las décadas, para discriminar a les judíes sugiriendo su condición de apátridas excepto en el “estado judío” y, en particular, para separar a judíes trabajadores de quienes han sido histórica e ideológicamente sus aliades: los grupos anti racistas, de la izquierda revolucionaria y del progresismo.

Lo que buscamos expresar aquí es no sólo que el grito de la derecha acusando de "antisemitismo" a la izquierda y a los grupos que se solidarizan con la causa palestina es falaz, hipócrita y deshonesto, sino además que, al contrario de lo que estos sectores nos intentan hacer creer, las luchas contra la judeofobia y el sionismo no son antagónicas, sino complementarias. Es más: la lucha contra la primera requiere necesariamente de la lucha contra lo segundo.

IJAN Argentina


1.       1. Ver .

lunes, 11 de enero de 2021



English translation of the original statement published in Spanish by IJAN Argentina and Spain

The State of Israel was founded on racism, discrimination and Jewish exclusivism


September  2020


1.- The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network hereby expresses its repudiation and rejection of the new definition of “antisemitism” that is being promoted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance as we consider it to be a subsidiary instrument of the zionist movement and the State of Israel, with its objectives being:

a.   to reinforce the mythology and the whole set of ideological operations constructed to justify their exclusivist project

b.      to silence any criticism towards zionism and the State of Israel.

2.- The primary goal of the definition proposed by the IHRA is to establish an equivalence between antisemitism and antizionism.

a.       It is a political and semiological operation designed to confuse the public and

b.      muddy the political foundations of criticism towards zionism and the State of Israel


3.-We in IJAN hold that zionism is not representative of the whole of world Jewry  and that in no way, shape or form can criticism of this ideology or of the State of Israel be considered equivalent to “antisemitism”.

4.- What is zionism then and what are the criticisms that can be levelled at it?

a.       It is a movement, an ideology and a project born at the end of the nineteenth century amidst the rise and under the influence of European Judeophobia. It is therefore, not a constitutive part of Judaism.

b.      It represents a settler-colonial project, which has slowly conquered and colonized Palestine, bringing about a process of ethnic cleansing of its native population which goes on to this very day.






c.       It is an exclusivist and racist project, tied to imperialism and anchored in the orientalist prejudice towards Palestinians and Arabs in general. It practices and promotes islamophobia. It relies as well on the support of millions of followers of Christian zionism, in politically right wing and far right organizations.

d.      It set itself up as a form of tribal and ethno-religious nationalism, which aims: to turn the Jewish people, a cultural collective which has always been historically and linguistically diverse, into a national and homogenous entity standing behind a process of conquest and colonization

- gather the entirety of the world Jewry with the objective of creating a new community (a nation) in a new State in the Middle East, in the lands of native Palestinians, claiming therein supposed “historical rights”.

- mobilize the Jewish communities in order to support its project and the State of Israel’s policies.

e. It denies and repudiates the existence of other Jewish identities: non-nationalist identities, Yiddish cultural identities, and most of all, non-European Jewish identities (Arab Jews, Persian Jews, etc.)

f.  It builds an apartheid regime which denies (with differing degree) the civil and political rights of the Palestinian people that live today in the State of Israel and of those living in occupied Gaza and the West Bank. And it denies, furthermore, the right of return of millions of diasporic Palestinian refugees around the world.

g. It stands in violation of  basic human rights.

h. It has been in the past, and is currently allied to and a collaborator with authoritarian and anti-popular regimes (especially in matters of security and the military).


5.- What is antizionism?

a.     Antizionism is a broad movement, containing within it a variety of standpoints: religious, secular, Marxist, anticolonial and liberal.

b.  The secular and progressive political orientation taken by IJAN follows the logic of human rights and internationalism. It repudiates Judeophobia and any other form of discrimination (Islamophobia, racism against the Roma people, anti-Black racism, etc.). It questions the ideological basis of the Zionist movement and the State of Israel as a colonialist, exclusivist project of conquest and colonization in Palestine, which illegitimately claims to be carried out in the name of the entirety of the world Jewry.

6.- What are the points and arguments IHRA deploys to silence criticisms of Zionism, and                     why are we in disagreement with them?



According to the definition of IHRA,

A)     To accuse Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of the Jews of the world, than to the interests of the countries of their citizenship

B)     To consider Jews responsible for the acts of the State of Israel


Are acts of antisemitism.

IJAN: The elevation of Jewish identity, considered as a national identity above any other form of social or collective grouping, is a central element of Zionist ideology. Its creature, the State of Israel, arrogates to itself the representation of all Jews in the world, seeing them as belonging to the state’s actual or potential population.   


    C) Denying Jews the right to self-determination, for example, by claiming that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist enterprise.

IJAN: We do not consider the Zionist movement as a movement of emancipation, nor of national liberation. We do not recognize the Jews of the world as a national collective. The right to self-determination arises and applies to peoples oppressed by colonialism, which is not the case with Judaism. Even if the Jews of the world were thus oppressed, their right to self-determination could in no way be exercised at the expense of another people and in violation of international law.

We maintain that the Zionist movement and the State of Israel are founded on racism, discrimination and Jewish exclusivity. We maintain that a state, as an institution, can never be the object of discrimination, but merely of repudiation and criticism.


7.- Finally, the IHRA's statement undermines the freedom of expression of those who question the State of Israel and Zionism.



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IJAN Argentina:


IJAN España:ña-160908247788078

Twitter: @IJANCastellano